Let me throw some light on this humble mortal and the ebb and flow of his yesteryears. Let’s talk about a neglected hamlet called “Kharaki” a sleepy village in Charsadda, where I was born into the Gigyani tribe. Typical of any Pashtun family I inherited the same incessant family feuds left by our great grandfathers for us as legacy; and which unfortunately continues to mar hope for emancipation of of the Pakhtun nation. There is a saying amongst the Gigyanies that, “No one’s sands of life is numbered but in a violent way”.
I was educated (though I am still a student and will be till the last breath) at my first Alma Mater the “Islamia Model School, Shabqadar, a border area between Mohmand Agency(FATA) and Charsada. Here I came to know the pleasure of open spaces and clear blue sky and its true perspective. I was away from my parents and that was a big question since Pashtuns normally don’t like Journey (As much as they hate they suffer from this). The evils of endless family feuds compelled my parents to migrate to Peshawar when I was in my teens. Coming from a small village, it was a transformational move for me; where my new schoolmates ware head and shoulder above me in style, agility, confidence, skill, ability to start a conversation on diverse subjects. Initially I used to feel as an outsider (who wanted to runaway) temple but with the passage of time I got adjusted to the environments and landscape of my new school and surroundings.
In the new surroundings I actively participated in co-curriculum activities which helped me gain some confidence. My exploits got recognition when I was placed as the Commander of Annual Prade at F.G Boys Public School, Khyber Road, Peshawar and Organizer of the ‘Science Club’. I also started playing Basketball.
After passing my school I got admitted to an Intermediate level college where I helped start a ‘Blood Donation Society’. Not content with the usual laid back life , I was anxious how to use my energies as I felt that eating, sleeping and clothing is not the essence of life. I had better memories and experience of my village where the only cheapest commodities was to kill a man and be killed. This was the motivation which later gave me the inspiration and the will to do something for the good of my people, for Peace and to devote my energies for the voiceless.
The year 2009 was the year of great upheavals for Pakistan in general and for Pakhtunkhwa in Particular due to expansion in the “War on Terror” whose repercussions have made the life of every Pashtun a story of untold misery. As a graduate student studying computers science and electronics I was so moved by the circumstances that I thought that Public Administration and not computer science could help me achieve my dream of helping bring peace to my people. Eventually I took upon myself to be a pioneer of lighting candles upon the sites of bomb blasts to help encourage the people not to surrender their routine and to come out with willing heart to deliver good to the society. In 2010 I participated as Youth delegate in the compilation of the very famous “Peshawar Declaration”. I invited the youth in a special seminar on the problems of youth of today and to help the youth out and to train them to cope up with the challenging situation.
I have always been a staunch admirer of true Democracy and tried my best to understand what democracy is and to guide others to the cause of democracy. I passionately speak in various seminars on Democracy for the youth. And am currently I am running an awareness campaign for the upcoming Local Government Election.
I have tremendous love for our language ‘Pashto’ and have spoken in different seminars and organized training on the orientation of Pashto Language including a recent one the “International Mother language Day”.
At the moment I am the elected president of ASPA (Association of the student of Public Administration). My activism has helped me in grabbing the first position in NESCON’2013 (All Pakistan Universities Competition).
Last but not the least I am a passionate antagonist of the social evils of society due to culture, traditions and certain awful norms and specially those induced by or consequent to the infamous British Laws like CrPC and FCR.
I would like to do something concrete and solid to help create a pluralist and educated society in my beloved land.
Now is the time not tomorrow to start.
Commanding Annual Parade |
ISSB Kohat |
Me |
Picnic to Kund Park ( Hira Public School) |
On 7th September; Pakistan Defance Day |
Me |
(From Left) Siddiq ur Rehman (Brother), Me, Aziz ur Rehman (Grand Father) M.Yousaf (Brother), Atiz ur Rehman (Uncle) |
Me |
Receiving Certificate from Mian Iftikhar Hussain |
At 3rd National Congress Quetta |
supporting Malala |
Awareness Campaign on Local Government |
Candle enlightening for support of Missing Balochies |
Peace Rally |
Supporting Democracy | Meeting with PML(N) leaders |
Supporting Democracy | Meeting with JI Leader |
Death condolence of Farida Bibi |
Comsats Wah |
Pashto Language Orientation Class |
On the grave of Ghazi Ayub Khan (Fateh Maiwand) |
at Radio Studio |
International Day of Peace |
Peace Restoring Activity |