Friday, July 26, 2013

The Battle of Maiwand; 27 July 1880

This was 27th of July 1880 a boiling day of summer when the British again bawl after the Afghans. The British had not forgotten the bad defeated first Anglo-Afghan Battle when the British chieftains realize the better memories of the that Battle they had another frame of minds for the next battle against Afghans they had setup with new strategies, new maneuvers, new machineries and battle view of topography.

That was 66th Regiment led by General Burrows having trained army and powerful artillery of British and on the other hand Afghan leader Ghazi Ayub khan having 6000 men. They fought each other at the place of Maiwand which is 45 miles away from Kandahar.

Ghazi Muhammad Ayub Khan
Ghazi Muhammad Ayub Khan born in 1857 also known as The Afghan Prince Charlie and was, for a while, the governor of Herat province in Afghanistan. He was the son of Amir Sher Ali who ruled Afghanistan from 1863 to 1878. Ayub khan was the spear heading the bravest Afghans to counter the mercenaries.

Malalawas born in 1861 the another unforgettable hero of this battle who born in khig village near Maiwand. She was there to help tend to the wounded and provide water and spare weapons. According to local sources, this was also supposed to be her wedding day.

They was even more well off when in the person of Abdur Rehman who was Ayub khan’s Cousin who was standing with British.

Imaginary skitch of  Malala
The collective Army of Afghans had also something novels against the foreigners. First was the army of oppression to move Khig side by Jocbs Rifles of British, 1st Grendiers of Bombay Army and the 3rd Scindle House and HM 66th Foot.

Under the command of Ayub Khan not only fought in British troops in the field but also out played them in the fights of mind. They were succeeded against the place Intrigues because they conspiracy to gave throne to one at the cost of another was enough a stigma to make Afghans more furious.

Basically this was a Battle almost a series of Battles between two ideologies onw was the D&R (Divide and Rule) of the British regarding Afghanistan and other was afghans themselves that whoever was the leader of their choice must run the country. But Afghans are by Nature Unruly and ungovernable so for as foreigners forces and their ideologies.

This is staling point that not only afghans men but also the women very insighting their Brothers-in-arms to go to the battlefield and to survive with extreme honor. This is one of the focal point in the particular war that their sisters, wives and mother were simply behind their near and there. The famous Pashto tappa;

“Ke pa Maiwand k shaheed na shwe – grana lalia be nangay la de sateen”
(If you do not taste of martyrdom today on this field of Maiwand, By god I am afraid you’ll lead an ignominious life forever.)

Grave of Ayub Khan at Peshawar
After the victory of this war Ayub Khan defeated  by Gen Robert and Amir Abdurrahman jointly after a month in the battle of Baba Wali, Kandahar after desertion of his supporters on 1st September 1880.

He tried to get the power back but could not. He went to Iran where he was fraudulently arrested and handed over to British. He was kept in India where he died in April, 1914. He was buried in Shaikh Habib baba graveyard, Wazir bagh in Peshawar as desired by him before his death. His shrine is almost unknown to Pakistani Afghans and was once desecrated by thieves.

An Iron Lion statue in the memories of the men of 66th Regiment of foot who died at Maiwand build in Forbury Garden, Reading in Berkshire England. The few remaining survivors that managed to reach the safety of the British Garrison awarded Medal of Queen Victoria on return to their contrary. One of the Medals recipient was a dog named Bobbie.
Forbury Garden, Reading, London

Now what will be the status of Afghanistan after the NATO going back to their own soil in 201, what could be the scenario of the miserable Afghanistan? Total meserible and chaos like ever or the whole world will pay their due attention to the Afghanistan to help it stand on her feet?

Or after that which country will dare to attack and create uncertain atmosphere in the Afganistan?

